Kenmore South State School aims to be a leader in incorporating eLearning strategies to engage and empower all learners (teachers and students), preparing them to contribute confidently, effectively and innovatively within global communities.
Meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
Students, parents, staff and the wider community have relevant and meaningful experiences using ICT.
Students have a growing awareness of how ICT is used in the world around them and of the benefits that it provides.
- ICT is used to support problem solving and learning across the curriculum.
- Innovative use of resources.
Kenmore South State School offers an iLearn program which enables students to bring a device to school and takes into consideration the skills, knowledge and attributes desirable for a contemporary learner.
The devices permitted in our Kenmore South State School's iLearn Program are an iPad for Year 2 and 3, a dual platform for Year 4 (choice of either Apple iPad OR Windows Laptop) and Windows Laptop only for Year 5 and Year 6.