We're thrilled to welcome PCYC Queensland to Kenmore South State School 🎉
Enrolments open soon!
PCYC Queensland Outside School Hours Care is all about providing a safe, fun, and enriching environment for your children 📚🎨
🌈 What you can expect from PCYC: ✅ Qualified and engaging staff ✅ Exciting activities and games ✅ Homework support ✅ Healthy snacks ✅ Lots of laughter, learning and developing friendships
Everything is getting set up, ready for the opening date (starting day one of Summer Vacation Care).
More information to come regarding enrolment process and Meet and Greet sessions over the coming weeks!
We are looking forward to becoming an integral part of the Kenmore South Community.
PCYC Information and Registration
PCYC Outside of School Hours Care Vacation Program 2024/2025