Assemblies are held 4 times a term in the school hall on Wednesday at 2:10pm.
Presentations from students and special groups are made on a regular basis. They may be about a current event, celebration or a concert type performance. Students also share general school notices and reports.
Parents are most welcome at all assemblies. Attendance is greatly appreciated by the students.
Parent Class Representatives
At the beginning of each year parents have the opportunity to nominate as a parent class representative. The role of this person has been developed over time, and this role serves as a vital link in the communication process among the school community members.
Parents who require an interview with the principal or a teacher concerning their child's progress should make an appointment, by email or phone, for a mutually convenient time.
We strongly encourage parents to discuss their children's work and talk over any problems that might arise, as the interest of parents most often strengthens the child's progress. Interviews with class teachers should be made outside of class instruction time to prevent disruption to others.
The school newsletter is published fortnightly on an even week Thursday and provides up-to-date information about the school, Education Queensland directions and goals, reports from classrooms, photos, Student of the Week Awards, and dates to remember.
Class newsletters are provided on odd weeks with information particular to each class.
Academic Reports
Children are assessed continuously throughout the year. Academic reports are issued for the semester one reporting period at the beginning of term 3 and for the semester two reporting period at the end of term four (July and December) for all students from Prep to Year 6.
Parent interviews are arranged at the end of term one and term three. Parent interviews can also be conducted by mutual arrangement between the class teacher and parent.
Parents are encouraged to consult with class teachers throughout the year, especially if there are concerns in some areas. Support and supervision of work at home is a benefit to the student's learning.